I attempted my Taming of the Shrew outing, but it turns out everyone and their mother also knew about the free performance. The tickets had all been given out by the time I made it to the theatre. Bummer. Maybe I'll need to justify spending some money to get a little culture in my life...
My friend Michelle is coming back tonight after a two-month summer hiatus. She was digging up bones in Poland and spent some time with her father in Germany. I'm sure she'll have some good stories to tell us judging from the pictures she's already posted. Another friend of mine traveled to Costa Rica last week. He had some pretty amazing photos to share as well. I can't wait until I have enough money to get to travel to places like these. Some day...
My boss returned from her extended vacation and came back to work on Thursday. As it turns out, I overlooked one of my projects to complete while she was out of the office. That didn't go over so well. It's one of those things that has been ongoing for a few months now, and I just keep getting stuck. I'm not sure how many times I've thrown my hands up and cried mercy, but I'm hoping to complete the task well in order to redeem myself with my boss. I should be having my one year review with her in the near future, and I don't want this to jeopardize anything. I'm sure that I'm probably making this out to be more than it really is, but I definitely don't like not pulling my weight. With Congress back this week from summer recess, I'm sure things will be back to busy Washington in no time at all. But then again, that's why I love it here :)