Monday, February 18, 2008


In honor of the holiday, Valentine's Day for all those married couples, young lovers, and new crushes, and V-Day for the rest of us single folk. However, I shouldn't play down the title *V-Day* too much, as Eve Ensler has worked very hard to create a movement to stop violence against women. If you've never heard of her or this movement, please read about it here.

As opposed to V-Day, some of my housemates began referring to the holiday as SAD, short for Single Awareness Day. We've all heard this once or twice before, but the title held true for me throughout several parts of my day. Here's the recap.

-Wore my red, power tie to work. People seemed to like/approve.
-Handed out High School Musical cards to co-workers. They liked that, also!
-All three of my roommates got flowers. I received nothing on Thursday.
-The entire house tried to go out together to a dance club. We traveled the city for over an hour. Nobody ended up staying. We wasted half the night.
-We ended the night at Union Pub just down the street. Everything turned out ok.

On Friday, I received my Valentine cards from Rachel & Lexi (made with a little help from my sis), so it turns out I did have some love sent my way in honor of the holiday.

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