Saturday, March 7, 2009

My March Madness Continues

I didn't think it was possible, but this week was even more stressful than last. However, it did include some fun times...

1) I went to a Caps game on Tuesday. Although they are amidst a slump, it was a good reason to leave work on time and hang out with friends.

2) I can finally see the end of filling out appropriation forms, and I look forward to telling you when they are all complete.

3) I found out that I will get the opportunity to meet some clients while they are in town for a conference beginning next weekend.

This afternoon, I'm attending a St. Patrick's Day parade. A little early I'd say, but it should be a good time. And tonight I'm helping kickball friends celebrate their 30th birthdays. Crazy to think that I have friends that are turning 30, but I'm sure crazier things have happened!

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